Rachel's earthquake stories

This is the story as Rachel told it to Aunty Margaret last Friday.

"Ran over the water and the earthquake was shaked my toys. Paddling pool was broken. TV was broken. Mummy saved my toys. My dad went to sleep and I went to sleep in daddy's bedroom and Andrew. Aunty Margaret was sleep in one of my friends beds. I went in the lounge and Joe in lounge. Someone ask me was my name was I said Rachel. The earthquake shaken my car. Aunty Margaret and Thomas was crying and Andrew and mum."

Later once we discover the TV that had fallen over was in fact working. Rachel was saying Daddy fixed the TV. Although he only just turned it on.

The night of the earthquake i was talking with the kids and saying that I had an upset tummy(due to the stress). I had butterflies in my tummy. After this Rachel has been saying she has pink butterflies in her tummy. Sometimes she even has spiders in her tummy. Mummy has yellow butterflies in her tummy. What colour butterflies to do you have?

1 comment:

Stephen Denne said...

I also had to stand the TV back up, and plug it all back in again!