Andrew's earthquake story

This morning Andrew started to tell me a story about his earthquake experience. I wrote it down at the time. This afternoon we made a book up with his story. It is delightful so I really want to share it. Sorry, it hasn't photographed that well so I have caption the photos with the words plus some explanation of the photos. All the words are Andrew's. The ideas for all the pictures are his but I helped by drawing most of the pictures. As you can see I am not an artist.

Page 1 "Lots of shaking." The picture is of the little plates on the earth shaking.
page 2 "lots of getting under doorways." Mummy, Daddy, Rachel and Andrew are under a doorway in the picture.

Page 3 "Lots of noise. The picture is of the hallway "because the noise came down it".
Page 4 "I couldn't sleep with the noise." The picture is of Andrew asleep in his bed with Daddy sleeping on the top bunk.

Page 5" Our house got minor cracks."
Page 6" the house across the road lost a chimney."

Page 7 "It was dark because there was no power"
Page 8 "The supermarket didn't have flour." The picture is of a three layer cake on a plate. There is a muffin on the top.
Page 9 "This is the drum (that measures the earthquake)." Above is my attempt to draw a seismograph.

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