Andrew and Trains

Andrew is still train mad. About a month ago we went to a vintage machinery day

Andrew and Stephen went riding on this traction engine. In Andrew's words : This is a "train". Andrew ride on the "train" with Daddy. We also went for a ride on a Steam train.

He will also tell you that "I built a train in the lounge." This can be out of train track, wooden blocks or megablocks.

Andrew is going to have a train birthday. He keeps wanting to look at the picture of the train birthday cake in our birthday cake book.

When we go to the library he wants to get books on trains out. I try to limit it to one each time. Yesterday he had all his train books collected together including the drawing pad with a train picture on the front.

We don't see that many real trains here unlike when we were in Wellington but when we were in Lyttelton the other day we just happened to drive past the wharf as freight train was leaving so we stopped to watch the train. We have occasionally had to wait for a train at the railway crossing.

Sometimes when I am using the laptop he asks to see train on the laptop.Posted by Picasa

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