Coffee for mummy

Last week I told Andrew that I was going to have a coffee before doing something. He disappeared into the kitchen and started to grind the coffee, make the coffee and here he is getting ready to froth the milk. He was making all the appropriate noises. Sorry for those tea drinkers Andrew doesn't make tea it only coffee in our house. I wonder why???
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make coffee now Andrew!! Great. I love coffee. I would like to come and see you and Rachel (and Mummy and Daddy) but I am very busy with a new job and Wellington is a long way from Dunedin. Maybe we could see each other at Christmas? You can make some coffee and I could show you some klown/magic tricks. Olivia and Tom like my tricks and I am sure you will too. Rachel is a bit too small but I can give her lots of Uncle Dave hugs. :o)
Your Daddy is so clever with setting up this site so I can see lots of pictures of what you are up to. Love Uncle Dave