Rachel's party

For ages Rachel kept picking flowers in the garden saying that she was picking them for her birthday. So I decide on a Flowers theme for her party.
This is her cake covered in Marshmallow flowers.

Almost all the food was pink and flower shaped. All her friends her age that came are boys(Joe, Theo, Freddie and Phin.) Not sure what they thought

We played Pin the Tail on the Donkey. While we doing it in the kids bedroom Daddy was preparing a treasure hunt in the lounge. Below are Sophie and Phin having a go.

Rachel loves to Dance. We had Dancing games and we got out the bubbles.

We also played pass the parcel.
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Rachel enjoying her party

Here is a selection of photos of Rachel enjoying her birthday party on Tuesday.

Blowing out the candles on her cake.

Watching her friends have their turn at pin the tail on the Donkey with Tom and Aleesha.

Dancing- When I asked her what we should do at her party she said Dancing.

Examining her present from Aunty Carolyn, Uncle Matt, Sophie and Ethan.

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Rachel's Birthday

Yesterday was Rachel's 3rd birthday. Here are some photos of her opening and exploring her presents.

She had to wear her new hat and mittens to Orana park. Mummy finished them just in time.
Her present from Aunty Margaret and family. They came and had dinner with us.
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It is hard life being almost three

The other night Rachel had been put to bed and then she got out and was sitting on the couch. Stephen and I were both busy doing things when we came out in lounge we found her sitting up on the couch fast asleep.
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Our earthquake birthday party

Tonight just as we were about to sit down for a birthday celebration for Margaret's birthday when we had a 5.3 earthquake and we lost power for two hours. We made good use of my candlestick. Fortunately most of dinner was cooked but we didn't have any gravy or carrots. Fortunately dessert was birthday cake. We just had to whip cream by hand. Here are some photos.

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