Kids quilts

Here are the quilts that I have made for the kids. They have the same design but different colours. The middle of the blocks are appliqued Kiwi's and Pukeko's. I quilted the top but have made them like a duvet cover so that we can put a duvet inner in them in winter.
The first one is Andrew's. I finished this one in time for Andrew to get as a present at Christmas time.
I had finished the top of Rachel's before Christmas but I hadn't had time to quilt it or do the backing. I wanted to get it finished before we moved her into a big girl bed. I spent most of yesterday working on and finished it just after Stephen got home from work, thanks Aunty Margaret for having Rachel for the morning. Last night Rachel slept with it in her cot. In the picture below it is on her big girl's bed.

I am really pleased with my efforts.

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Reorganising the kids room

This morning we spend time reorganising the kids bedroom so that Rachel could sleep in a big girl's bed instead of the cot.

This was the state of the room when we started. Andrew was sent to his room as he was misbehaving and decided to pull everything off his bed. He told me was because he was grumpy.
There were also lots of toys under his bed.

Stephen dismantled the cot, I cleaned all the surfaces and the kids helped to vacuum their floor. Daddy did finish the job.

Here are the kids on their beds. As you can see the bunks split into two single beds. The kids have their new quilts on their beds. We have also moved the kids books into their room and some toys. There is still space for the kids to play in the middle of the room. We have some things to put up on the wall.

At present Rachel is asleep on her big girls bed with the door open!!

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