Andrew's new sleeping postion.

Last night when I went to bed this is where I found Andrew sleeping. While we have people staying we do have a bed for him to sleep in.
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Rachel's "double stroller"

Here is Rachel's idea on how to take more than one doll for a walk at time. She has been doing this quite a lot lately. We think the bottom doll is meant to be having a sleep as they are in the reclined position.
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Tent Construction

This morning the kids both wanted to build tents. Mummy said she would only build one for them to share. Rachel decided she would make her own. Below is her effort. Not bad for a 2 1/2 year old.
Rachel is looking at these photos telling me that her bear is sleeping in the tent so I need to be quiet.

Andrew was willing to wait for mummy to be able to put his tent. We used our new bar stools and some dinning room chairs to hold up the blanket.

Daddy is making coffee in the background. The reason the bench looks messy is that I was in the middle of cleaning out the cup and glasses cupboard.Posted by Picasa