The birthday girl

Today is Rachel's second birthday. Where did the last two years go? Here are some photos of her opening and playing with the presents she got today. Click on the collage to see it bigger.

These little toys now have the teaset cups in front of them so they can have a big cup of tea. Andrew told us they went with the farmyard and had to go and get the dog to show it was the same as the one in Rachel's hand.

Andrew is helping Rachel to open the present he bought with Mummy. It is some new pencil and pens in a new pencil case. Rachel has already drawn with them.

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Making the bed with helpers

This afternoon I spent time tidying our room. When it came to make our bed. I had two helpers. As these photos show they were more hindrance than help so I gave up and I'll do it later. Andrew just came and said"Sorry for messing up your bed."

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