First swim for the summer

Ever since we moved house Andrew has been wanting to go swimming in "his" pool. When the forecasting another hot day on Monday I put the paddling pool out on the deck. Although it wasn't as warm as forecast the kids had lots of fun. They didn't want to get out.

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Watching the parade

The weekend we were in Blenheim coincided with the celebrations of 150 years of the province of Marlborough. They had a parade on the Sunday afternoon which the kids were enthralled by.

Rachel was having lunch when it all started.

Every time I look at her she was focused on what was happening on the street.

Here is Granddad on their Church float, themed yesterday, today and forever. He has his back to us wearing the black hat.

At the end of the parade.

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Fun at Granddad and Grandma's

A couple of weeks ago the kids and Mummy went to Granddad and Grandma's Harris's house for a few days. Here are some photos taken then. Unfortunately we didn't get with Grandma.
Rachel shows Granddad how her toy works.
Andrew's lovely smile

Andrew and Granddad on the swing.

P.S some people may have received this with just the photos. Sorry.
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Charlie Bear goes to Kindy

On Thursday Kindy had a Teddy Bears picnic. I just asked Andrew about the photo below and he said it was a photo of Andrew and Charlie Bear wearing hats because we going to kindy. They are wearing hats because you have wear a hat to go outside. It was Andrew who insisted that Charlie Bear needed a hat. After Kindy Andrew told me that Charlie Bear was tired so needed to have a rest on the couch.

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