Rachel learns too.

Rachel wanted to learn to throw stones too. She hasn't quite worked out that you need to let go when you throw stones. I would count one two, three and then we would throw it together but she wouldn't let go. She was enjoying it though.

In photo above she has worked out how to let go but they were just dropping to the ground.
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Teaching Andrew to throw Stones

Andrew has a fascination with Stones at present. Stephen thought if we took him somewhere to throw stones into the river he would learn the appropriate place to throw stones. Here are some cute photos. He was more dropping stones than throwing.

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Our Saturday outing

On Labour weekend Saturday we went exploring along the Ashely river gorge. We drove across a dirt road that winds up above the Ashley River gorge and down into the Lee valley. Then we came back to the Ashley gorge bridge reserve. Here are some photos from our trip.

Having lunch beside the river. This was in the Lee valley. Stephen had to go exploring to find a spot where we could get close to the river.

Rachel and Stephen beside the river.

This photo shows the road as it winds down to a bridge in the middle of the Gorge.
This is the bridge we were beside. We were quite surprised to find such an engineered bridge on a dirt road.

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Rachel's smiling face

Here are some photos Rachel that have been taken lately that I think are rather cute. While these are all in the highchair she doesn't spend all her day there.

Drawing is lots of fun. Doing it while in the highchair makes it easier for mummy.

"Mummy please can I have that." While Rachel isn't saying many words she is able to communicate quite clearly what she wants. She is really good at shaking and nodding her head.

This one was taken after she had eated lots of tomato pasta hence the red face.

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My pony

This afternoon Andrew was playing with some plastic tubes. He came and asked me if we could make him a pony. Here is a picture of our effort. Andrew helped me to cut it out. After we had finished he said to me that I could make one too. He then told me it was just like the one at Aleesha's house. Glad to hear my handmade effort was as good as a manufactured one. Obviously this was where he got the idea from. He must be thinking lots about our time at Aleesha's house in Wellington. Yesterday he told me that we were going to Aleesha's house to have a party.

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