Andrew the builder

This morning Andrew decided that he needed to mend our fence on the deck. He initially thought he needed the step stool but Mummy stopped this one. He did however get his toy hammer (after using a piece railway track initially) and his bob hat to do the job. As you can see the deck and fence need a paint. Andrew has said that when we get some paint he will do that too.

Maybe we have one member of our family who is interest in DIY.

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Rachel took 4 steps tonight. Daddy put her in the middle of the lounge and she walked to Mummy. Then Daddy put her back into the middle of the lounge and she walked another 3 steps to Mummy.

Mummy is wondering if she heard that Joseph(her younger cousin) had worked out how to crawl forward today so she thought she should get up on her two feet

Andrew's holiday photos

Here are some photos that we took of Andrew and Aleesha having fun while we were staying at Aleesha's house.

Andrew and Aleesha are reading together.

Theo joins in.

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Rachel's holiday photos

Here is a selection of photos with Rachel in from our holiday.

Rachel and her playmates Joshie and Theo .

With Theo

Feeling under weather having a cuddle with Daddy. Shortly after this she was sick all over daddy and the couch. Sorry to the Young family for the mess and for passing on our bugs.

After a short sleep she is slightly revived. The towel is a precautionary measure.

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Catching up with the Arps

We have just had a lovely week in Wellington catching up with our friends up there. We managed to see most people. It was lovely to go to Church on Sunday and know most of the people there. The kids and Kathryn went to Ante natal group and visited playcentre. We also went for a trip on a train.

Here are some photos from when we had dinner with the Arps.

Madeline and Rachel

Andrew isn't actually playing Guess Who with Cameron but he had just finished helping me too.

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New beds

Yesterday we had a bunk bed delivered for the kids room. At present Andrew sleeps on the bottom bunk and Rachel is in the cot just out of the shot next to the dresser but the long term plan is for both kids to sleep on the bunks. Andrew slept well in his new bed last night.

This is the good shot of the bunks. They can also be used as two single beds.

Where is Andrew?

There he is with Charlie Bear.

We are also in the process of getting new beds for our spare room so we can provide a good nights sleep.
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