Both Andrew and Rachel went to plunket on Friday, so we know their vital stats.
Andrew is 15.5kgs and 93 cms and Rachel is 9.75kgs and 73cm. This makes them both about average on weight and slightly below average for height. So they must have their mummy's height.
Andrew is 15.5kgs and 93 cms and Rachel is 9.75kgs and 73cm. This makes them both about average on weight and slightly below average for height. So they must have their mummy's height.
I thought this was a good time to do a little update on what we are doing.
Andrew now goes to Kindy four mornings a week. Not Wednesday. He has settled in really well, much quicker than mummy was expecting. I am not quite sure exactly what he does, but this morning he was drawing on a blackboard, and the other day he was playing with cars. He enjoys the story and singing time. He seems to have lost his clinginess since starting Kindy. He has also started to go to the 3 and 4 yrs old group at church and while he doesn't know the people he is happy to stay be himself.
At home he enjoys playing trains, blocks and digging in the garden outside. It is quite amusing at times listening to him play with his toys and talk away. On Tuesday afternoon he goes to Aunty Margaret's.
Rachel is most days just having one afternoon sleep. This is normally at least two hours. She sometimes has a little nap in the car. She has decided to be clingy to mummy. This is the first time she has been like this. She doesn't like mummy to leave the room. We have managed to cut out the lunch time mummy feed so she is just having breakfast and dinner. She eats most things and lots. At dinner time probably more than her brother. On Tuesdays we go to music in the morning. She really gets into this, especially the instruments part. On Thursday mornings she goes to creche at craft group while mummy gets some time to be creative.
She still isn't walking but does lots of standing by herself. She likes playing with lots of different toys. She doesn't have many recognisable words but she does say da for daddy and makes lots of noise.
Mummy and Daddy are looking forwarded to getting into our new house although we are not looking forward to actually moving. We get possession in three weeks and will probably move in in four weeks.