Some "new" clothes

Rachel and Andrew both have some "new" clothes to wear. Aunty Margaret has found the Thomas Jersey that Grandma Harris knitted for Tom. As you can imagine Andrew was really excited to wear it this morning.

Aunty Margaret has made Rachel a lovely new smocked dress. Here she is showing it off on Sunday when she wore it for the first time. Rachel has been doing lots of standing in the past few days but in this photo she wanted to hold Daddy's hand.
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Rachel at 13 months

Having not written a what is Rachel up to blog post at 1 year I thought I should aim for a 13month one.

Rachel has only in the past couple of days started to stand on her own. When she does she she is really pleased with herself. Although she is not walking she can manage to move rather quickly and at times very silently. She loves to get out of any door that is open especially those that lead to the great outdoors. She likes to walk around the furniture and to explore places.

She is more social than Andrew. This is really obvious at music where she likes to go and say hello to people where as Andrew will cling to me. She also is generous with her hugs and loves to snuggle with people.

Until this last week most days she has a sleep first thing in the morning as well as a 2-3 hour sleep in the afternoon. With our change in routine with Andrew starting Kindy she isn't always having a morning sleep. She has finally in the last month or so has finally started sleeping 11 hour stretches at night. Both her and Andrew wake around six.

She eats lots of solid food but still has three feeds from mummy most days. she had little traumatic time earlier this month as Mummy and Daddy went away overnight for a wedding. She (and Andrew) stayed with the Sandes. Rachel was fine but was really glad to see mummy on her return.
Here are a few photos mummy liked.

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Andrew's third birthday party

On Saturday 16 May we had a birthday party for Andrew with his cousins and aunty's and Uncles.

Here is Andrew's train birthday cake. Andrew's one request for the last few months is to have a train birthday cake. Mummy thinks she did an okay job. It took about an hour to ice. Andrew says that it was yummy and we are still enjoying it.

We had a train treasure hunt in our back yard.

Andrew got to open some presents. I have asked him to tell me what they are.

"A pooh bear DVD and cat book from Sophie, Ethan, Aunty Carolyn and Uncle Matt."
Andrew's "bunny table" that he got from the Sandes family. Andrew just asked if he could sit at and eat chips. He accepted mummy saying no surprisingly.
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Andrew's new trike

Mummy and Daddy gave Andrew a trike for his birthday. We gave it to him on Saturday morning although it was few days early so that he could have time to play with it with Daddy (and Mummy). Andrew likes to call it a bike.

First we had to put it together. Here Andrew is helping to thread the bolt through the hole. Andrew was quite helpful and made sure that all the parts were used. He was concerned that the seat going to be forgotten as it was the last part to be put together.

Here Daddy and Andrew are trying out the trike in the back yard.

Shortly after these photos we took the trike to the park. We also got a stick for the back so that Daddy and Mummy can help push. Andrew is still working out how to pedal but his steering is improving. This morning when he was outside with his trike he was pushing along the ground with his feet.

We rang up Grandma the next day and Andrew had a conversation about getting a blue trike for his birthday and that he has a helmet as well.
P.S I thought this had been posted last week. Due to the weather Andrew hasn't been able to get outside for the last week but this afternoon finally got to go outside and practice his steering and pedaling.
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