Ten Month update

Rachel is 10 months today. She seems to have take a jump in development in the past few months.

She can now go up the steps and stairs. She can also go down the stairs but seems to struggle with the steps. She seems to have some of the same sense of caution that Andrew had. She is pulling herself up on furniture and she is building up the strength in her leg muscles. She can basically get anywhere on the ground floor of the house if the doors are open. She has even been found on the deck following big brother, who can now open the outside doors.

She has recently found her voice again. She is practicing lots of different sounds but no words yet.

Her fifth tooth is coming through quite slowly.

Andrew and Rachel play together at times. It must be confusing for Rachel as Andrew doesn't believe in having consistent expectations. This means that some times she is allowed to play with his toys and then she is told NO!!!!!!.

She seems to have finally worked out how to sleep all night but thinks that wake up time is around 5:45. Mummy doesn't normally get her up until after 6am as prior to that it is still night time.

Below are a few photos I took the other day. I didn't manage to capture her smiling.

It may look like the world is coming to an end, but big brother has just decided that she shouldn't be playing with whatever she was playing with. I have to say I quite liked the facial expression.

It may look like she is standing in this photo but she is actually leaning on her toy.

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More Photos

Here are some of the photos that we took while both set of Grandparents were around.

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Waitangi Day Outing

Granny and Grandpa flew down first thing on Waitangi day. We took them for a walk and picnic at Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. The weather cleared to be a sunny day. Some of the tracks are buggy friendly.
When we stopped for lunch we had a very tame duck (at the bottom of the above photo) who wanted to eat Rachel's lunch.

They have released 60 Tuataras into the sanctuary. The tuataras like to hangout behind a fence in the sun and are visible from the track. Andrew calls them Tuatakas.
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Rachel's Dedication

On Saturday we had Rachel's dedication at Church. It was lovely to have this with our Wellington Church family before we moved south. Both sets of Grandparents were able to join us. Rachel is wearing a dress that was made when her Grandma Harris was pregnant with her first Child (Uncle David). Both Mummy and Aunty Margaret wore it when they were her age.

Andrew had an enjoyable time with his friends too.

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