Rachel is Six Months old

Rachel was six months old last week. What does life look like for her?

She still doesn't sleep through over night so mummy is feeling quite tired. She normally sleeps for a couple of hours first thing in the morning and then has another good sleep after lunch. She goes to bed around 7pm and normally sleeps well until mummy wakes her for a feed before she goes to bed. She normally wakes around 3:30am for a feed.

Rachel is now rolling and can make it across the rug if she wants to. She will try and get some of Andrew's toys. His response is to tell her she is "naughty" and to take the toy off her. He will also bring her toys to play with, especially if she is upset and mummy is busy. She can sit up by herself for a few minutes at a time. She enjoys spending time on the floor with her toys.

In the past month she has gotten to like the taste of various different foods. She has solids twice a day at lunch and dinner. She eats about 1/4 a cup at time. She eats apple, banana, kumara, pumpkin, carrot, and potato. In the last couple of days she has had chicken mixed with vegetables.

Rachel likes to try and feed herself with a spoon.

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One of Andrew's favourite activities at present is playing with his blocks. Here are some phots of Andrew and Daddy constructing an eleborate structure. Andrew likes to try to do the same structures when Daddy is not around. He is not always as successful. He is learning to cope with things not working.

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Our Train trip

During the school holidays we took the train into town. This was Rachel's first trip on a train. The train trip goes through seven tunnels. Andrew and Daddy went to the front of the train to have a look at where we were going at one point.

This is the train we came back on (quite likely the one we went into town as well).

We took some photos of us on the train on our way home.

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