A very helpful little boy

This morning Andrew, Mummy and Rachel went to the supermarket. Both kids were very good. When we got home Mummy got Andrew inside and some of the groceries. When she came back inside with Rachel Andrew was putting away groceries in the fridge. While they did belong in the fridge we normally keep the milk in the bottom on the door not cheese and butter. I thought this was a delightful story I needed to share.
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Coffee for mummy

Last week I told Andrew that I was going to have a coffee before doing something. He disappeared into the kitchen and started to grind the coffee, make the coffee and here he is getting ready to froth the milk. He was making all the appropriate noises. Sorry for those tea drinkers Andrew doesn't make tea it only coffee in our house. I wonder why???
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Tiger face

Today Andrew, Rachel and Mummy went to the Zoo. We saw lots of different animals. Andrew got his face painted to look like a tiger. Unfortunately the tigers were in their cage so we didn't see the real tigers. Andrew did lots of walking including up the big hill at the back of the Zoo. (Its really steep for those who have never been to Wgtn Zoo). Andrew and his tiger face are now asleep in bed.
This photo was taken when we got home.
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Rachel's Allegiance

Rachel didn't sleep much today - perhaps she was too excited about Mum's team playing the first round of the Air New Zealand Cup.
It seems that she's taken on her Mum's allegiance, and was paying close attention to the game.

She really is watching Canterbury playing rugby in these photos!
(It's a pity they lost.)
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