Rachel's in the cot

Here is Rachel having her first sleep in the cot this afternoon. Sorry the photo is rather blurry and the blankets got in the way. I was trying to do it without waking her up. I have been reluctant to move her to the cot as it means she is now downstairs and I have to get up and go downstairs in the cold in the middle of the night. I am hoping that she will soon sleep all night. She has done 5.30 a few times so I am hoping she will stretch it out to 6 or 7 soon.
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Rachel with her Grandparents Denne

Here are some photos of Rachel with her Denne Grandparents. First Grandpa and then Granny. She loved having cuddles when we were away and has found it hard this week having to lying on the floor when Mummy is busy with something.

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I thought these photos were very cute so I needed to share them with you. Andrew had a great time at Granny and Grandpa's house, although he did have a cold. It was the first time he had slept in another bed other than own bed. We had no problems with him not sleeping so that was great.

Andrew doesn't need toys. He is quite happy to find every day items to invent his own games with. In the photo above he had the yogurt maker and the washing basket. At home mummy gets a little frustrated when she has to go on a hunt for the lemon squeeze or something else she needs. This morning she found Daddy's lunch container in Andrew's back pack.

Checking out the photo on Granny's camera. Mummy thinks he looks grown up in these photos.

Andrew also learnt to say "Granny", "Grandpa" and "Tara" last week. He has continued to use them this week. The funniest story is when I said that he wouldn't have any dessert as he hadn't eaten his dinner. He replied with a long sentence that had Granny and dessert in it. I think he was saying that Granny would let him have dessert. Mummy still didn't let him have any dessert.

Andrew's other favourite activity at present is trains so the train set that Granny got second hand was a hit. Daddy also enjoyed working out how it all went together and getting the vehicles to work properly.

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Photo selection

Here is a selection of group photos taken while we were in Whakatane.

A family group

Rachel, Granny and Tara the Dog

Mummy, Andrew, Granny, Rachel and Tara

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Rachel meets her Great Grandma

On Tuesday Rachel got to meet her Great Grandma (Stephen's Mum's Mum). She had a lovely time charming Great Grandma and even worked out how to roll from her tummy to her back while we were there.

Andrew unfortunately was full of cold so wasn't quite his normal self. He was rather quiet and had a sleep on the couch.

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Charlie bear needs a nappy

Andrew decided that Charlie bear needed a nappy. Mummy suggested that we use one of Rachel's cloth nappy rather than Andrew's disposables. Even that was a little big for Charlie bear so it isn't staying on very well in this photo.
(Reposted with a corrected photo link)
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Rachel holds her head high

Here is a selection of photos of Rachel having some time on her tummy. (Which she quite enjoys for a time.) She is pretty good at holding her head up.

Look at the concentration on her face.

Having a rest with her head on the ground.

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