Rachel's two months old

Rachel is two months old today. Where have the last two months gone? In a blur of sleeping, feeding, nappies changes and some time hanging out with Mummy, Daddy (as below) and Andrew.

Rachel is a pretty good sleeper both at night and during the day. She sleeps most of the afternoon, evening and night away with regular wake ups for feeds. She has some longer wake periods now. Most of this is spent feeding and having her nappy changed, and some time on the floor checking out what Andrew is doing. She enjoys having a bath most of the time. Last time she was weighed two weeks ago she was 4.88 kg.

As a typical second child she gets to go to whatever Mummy and Andrew are doing so this means playcentre, antenatal group, Church mums, "boppers and hoppers ", the library and the occasional trip to the shops. Mummy is working out ways she can get out the house without getting stressed and it not taking all day.

New Blog

When we started adding blog posts about Rachel to Andrew's Blog, we said we'd create a new blog, and this is it!

If you were previously getting email copies of the blog posts, you will continue to get them when we post here.