Andrew is now two and half.
Andrew still likes reading, and the other day when we went to the library he wanted to get a book on Trucks out of the library.
We sometimes look at a couple of books on people in the bible, and we find the entry on Rachel, Joseph (there are two different ones) and the disciples. The page on the disciples has a picture of the twelve. We have to identify which one is Andrew and which one is Tom. Today we got a bible out to read about Stephen and Paul.
Andrew's language is improving. He is putting together 4-5 word sentences at times. Some of Andrew's words:
Huggle - is Andrew's word for a cuddle
oki days - somethings not quite right (oopsy-daisy)
He must take after his dad, who likes to make up words too.
When it is dinner time he will go and tell daddy and Rachel that dinner is ready.
Andrew still sleeps most afternoons. Some days it is a battle of wills between mummy and Andrew, that mummy normally wins. He doesn't necessarily sleep in his bed. Yesterday afternoon he slept on the floor.
He recently started getting up and either playing in the lounge or coming up to mummy and daddy very early in the morning. On Monday he and mummy and Rachel went on the train because Andrew had got 7 stickers on his chart for staying in his room until a light on a timer came on at 7am.
Here he is asleep across his bed
Playing with his concrete truck
Andrew is telling me "The concrete is in fire station"
He and Rachel are quite interactive with one another now and Andrew will lie down and play with Rachel. However if Rachel manages to reach one of his toys, he will say "Naughty" and take the toy off her.