My First Fire by Andrew Denne

In the holidays there was a bush fire up behind our house. Kids playing with Matches caused the fire. Mum smelt smoke and then she saw the fire.
Soon the fire engine came and parked outside our house. We went outside! Over to the other side of the road where it was safe!
This special fire engine had an aerial.(We have just found out that it is not an aerial rather there is camera at the top of the pole to take photos or videos of the fire.) This was where the person in charge of fighting the fire was.
Soon a helicopter was there. It kept control of the fire by putting water on it.
Our street was full of fire engines, and an ambulance and the police!
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A collection of diggers etc.

They have just been down clearing the road and driveways. Caught a nearly 3 min video of it with lots of comments from the kids. This photo is off the video. There is actually a fourth digger parked down the side of the house. It is rather hard to see in the photo.

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Snow again!!!

After a large amount of snow on Monday more snow fell overnight and on Tuesday morning.

Not much work being done on demolishing of the house across the road this week.

Stephen had clear half the driveway on Monday afternoon. You can just see the line of where he has cleared.

The table and tops of the rail had been cleared on Monday afternoon as well.

Another snowman. He didn't last long as Andrew decided it as much fun to build them as to knock them down. He has told me that my snowman skills have improved.

Stephen hard at work again.

The pile created.

My attempt at making snow candy. I might have another go as it was really soft. I think I didn't cook it long enough.

Wednesday morning and school was open. Aunty Margaret offered to walk Andrew to school with his cousins provided I looked after Joe. Here is Andrew all dressed for the snow. They were having a mufti day so he isn't wearing his shorts under the snow trousers. They did only walk half the way before getting a ride. Aunty Margaret is going to organise a ride home. But Andrew will be able to tell his kids about the day mum made me walk to school in the snow.

This photo shows why we weren't keen on driving down our driveway. We might put some sand on it tonight. Stephen was able to get a ride with a workmate who has a 4wd. The roads are better once you get past Albert Tce. (or so I have been told as I haven't been past 58 since Sunday afternoon).

We managed to capture the snow falling.
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Rachel the sheep

Over the last two days while we have been snowed in Rachel has decided that she wants to wear her sheep outfit. I was trying to get a picture in the snow but it was too cold.

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Mr Flatman

Above is the flat snowman Andrew built this afternoon. Below is the poem he wrote about it.

He is a boy.
He likes snow.
He likes friends.
He is clever.
He knows everything.
He is not small but he is not as big as the deck.
We like him.
He has melted now.
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